Entry details for q = 73 = 343, g = 3
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Lower bound Nmin = 452

Submitted by C. Ritzenthaler
Date 02-23-2009
Reference Everett W. Howe, Franck Leprévost, Bjorn Poonen
Large torsion subgroups of split Jacobians of curves of genus two or three
Forum Math. 12 (2000), no. 3, 315–364
The curve C : (6*a+2*a^2)*(X^4+Y^4+Z^4)+(3+4*a^2)*(X^2*Y^2 + X^2*Z^2+ Y^2*Z^2)=0 where a is a root of x^3+6*x^2+4=0 over F_7
reaches this number of rational points. It was constructed using the loc. cit. article with the elliptic curve
E: y^2 + x*y = x^3 + a^213*x^2 + a^79*x + a^90.

Hence the Jacobian of C is isomorphic to a quotient of E^3 by a (2-2-2) rational subgroup.

The automorphism group of C is S_4.
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Upper bound Nmax = 452

Submitted by C. Ritzenthaler
Date 02-23-2009
Reference Kristin Lauter
The Maximum or Minimum Number of Rational Points on Genus Three Curves over Finite Fields
Compositio Mathematica 134 87-111 (2002)
This is Th.1 p.89 of the paper, since 18^2+18+1=7^3. Actually, defect 1 and 2 are eliminated through standard techniques when for defect 0, this comes from the deeper fact that there is no unimodular definite positive hermitian matrix of rank 3 over Z[(1+Sqrt(-3))/2].
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